- The QC Scheme is currently suspended as a result of the world wide pandemic. Further information on the reintroduction of the scheme will appear on this page when available. Thank you. -
External Quality Assurance schemes have long been utilised in human laboratory medicine to set standards, offer measurement, reporting and advice on laboratory accuracy to participating laboratories.
Tridelta is now pioneering an External Quality Assurance Scheme in animal testing to allow participating laboratories to perform regular Quality Assurance checks which will allow for comparison of their own performance with that of other laboratories performing assays for the same parameter using the same or different materials and technologies.
The scheme will operate in the following manner:
Laboratories are enrolled to participate in the scheme and on a regular basis, will receive an "unknown" sample which contains standardised amounts of the parameters to be measured, which are however, unknown to the receiving laboratory. This sample should be analysed by the laboratory using its standard methodologies, in other words, it should be included in the normal analytical run of samples by the laboratory.
Results are collated, certain statistical analyses are performed and the individual results are reported back to the participants. Individual laboratory results are only made available to the submitting laboratory itself. Individual laboratory results are confidential to that laboratory.
General results which do not identify any individual laboratory are reported to all participants.
The Tridelta Quality Assurance scheme will be introduced from September 2014 with the first parameter to be measured being Canine CRP, it is anticipated that other parameters will follow.
The scheme will be provided free of charge to those using Tridelta Canine CRP Assays, either the ELISA or Turbidimetric Assay. Participants using non-Tridelta reagents are also welcome to enrol in such a case a nominal charge will be applied.
To enrol your laboratory for the Tridelta Scheme, please go to "Create An Account" on the menu to the right and follow the simple enrolment procedure.
For further information or for any questions, please contact Martin Gallagher at Tridelta on: marting@trideltaltd.com