Tridelta are delighted to announce a new format for Turbidimetric Canine CRP.
Our Turbidimetric Canne CRP Assay was developed in response to requests from customers for a fast, automated assay for Canne CRP, we utilised our expertise in this area over many years work with our ELISA Canine CRP Assay (which will still be available for those who prefer it) and have produced an assay which has been developed using the performance characteristics of our ELISA assay and designed to complement it whilst offering the speed, flexibility and automation capabilities of a Turbidimetric assay.
Further developing our Turbidimetric Canine CRP Assay, we have changed the format of the kit to make it more economical and flexible in use to better suit the needs of the laboratory by making the kit available in a modular format.
The Turbidimetric Canine CRP Assay can now be ordered in the following format:
TP-812-RGT: Reagents (R1 and R2) and the diluent buffer, suitable for approximately 200 individual tests (dependent on the analyser used).
TP-812-CAL: The calibrators required for the kit, only order when required to fit your laboratory schedule and protocols.
TP-812-CON: Control Serum designed for use with the Turbidimetric Canine CRP Reagents, order and use according to your laboratory needs and protocols.
The new format of the Turbidimetric Canine CRP Kit is designed to allow for maximum flexibility in use in the laboratory and to offer the most economical solution to high-throughput Canine CRP testing.
For pack inserts of the individual component parts of the Turbidimetric Canine CRP Assay and methodologies for selected analysers please select from the menu on the right.