Tridelta are delighted to once again be supporting the Joint Meeting of ECVP/ESVP/ECVCP/ESVCP, being held in Lisbon, Portugal.
Our CEO Brian Hett is attending the meeting and we have a stand in the Exhibitor's Area, so if you are attending the meeting, please drop by; we have some exciting new developments and Brian is always happy to discuss all things Acute
Tridelta are once again attending and supporting the joint ESVP/ECVP Joint Meeting which is taking place this year in Arnhem, The NEtherlands from 25th - 28th September.
Our CEO, Brian Hett will be in attendance so please drop by the stand for a chat.
Look forward to seeing you
Tridelta are delighted to be once again attending and supporting the joint EAZW/ECZM/LEIBNIZ-IZW Zoo and Wildlife Confernce taking place in Kolmarden, Sweden this week from June 12th - 15th.
We have a stand with full information available on all of our products, so if you are attending the meeting, drop by and say hello to